Course Co-ordinators

List of Course Co-Ordinators
S.No. Course Course Co-ordinator Mobile Number e-mail Id
1. BASLP (1st and 2nd) Semester Mrs. Ravali P. Mathur, Lecturer 8097018555 ravali[dot]mathur[at]gmail[dot]com
2. BASLP (3rd and 4th) Semester - - -
3. TY BASLP Mr. Mohammad Shamim Ansari, Lecturer 9969106707 msansari5000[at]yahoo[dot]com
4. Intern BASLP Dr. Rajeev Jalvi, HOD (Audiology) 7304892616 / 9969986006 rjalvi[at]gmail[dot]com
5. M.Sc. (Audiology) 1st and 2nd Semester - - -
6. SY MASLP - - -
7. Post Graduate Diploma in Auditory Verbal Therapy (PGDAVT) Smt. Gauri Telang, ASLP 9819350377 gourit[dot]nishd[at]ayjnihh[dot]nic[dot]in
8. DISLI Dr. Gayatri Ahuja, Reader(Education), I/C ISL Cell Coordinator 9833640020 islcellnishd[at]gmail[dot]com


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