AYJNISHD (D) has initiated a number of developmental activities in North-East region towards the rehabilitation of Children and Adult with Disabilities. An exercise to assess the changing needs of Persons with Disabilities is undertaken on regular basis. Diagnostic Camps are conducted regularly in all 8 North Eastern States. Sensitization Workshops for Panchayat Functionaries, NGO Executives and Social Workers are conducted to create awareness about various facilities provided by the Govt. for Persons with Disabilities.
Short Term Training programmes are held for rehabilitation professionals and parents on the latest trends schemes and facilities available for the Divyangjan. National Workshops are also conducted to facilitate the interaction between the State Govt. of North-Eastern Region with the rest of the country. Every year at least one state level workshop is organized. The recommendations of the State Level Workshops and Sensitization Workshops are considered while drawing the Action Plan for the forthcoming year in the respective State. Apart these AYJNISHD (D), has taken initiatives in strengthening the infrastructural facilities for rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities with support of State Commissioners of Disabilities.
North East Region Activities Report 2022-23
North East Region Activities Report 2021-22
North East Region Activities Report 2020-21