(when in home Quarantine/Family member has tested positive for COVID-19)

  • Hand Hygiene:
  1. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds / use alcohol based hand rub before touching the child or processor and its accessories every time.
  2. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds / use alcohol based hand rub after touching the child or processor and its accessories every time.
  3. Do not touch your face or child’s face with unclean hands. This will prevent the pathogen from entering the body and causing infection.
  • Respiratory Hygiene:
  1. Every member of the household should wear a mask especially when in close contact with the child.
  2. Change the mask if it becomes spoiled or damp.
  3. Dispose the disposable mask in a closed container (envelope or plastic bag)
  4. Wash the reusable mask with hot water and soap. Dry it in sunlight.
  • Sanitizing CI processor and accessories:
  1. Wipe the processor from outside and coil with alcohol based solution( nail paint remover or spectacle lens cleaner) each time before and after use.
  2. Wipe the carrying case, dry aid box and the charger with sanitizer everyday.
  3. Keep extra accessories, batteries with you as you may not be able to provide these immediately in case of need.
  4. Always keep the processor in carrying case or dry aid box when not in use.
  5. Make sure only one person handles the processor so as to minimize the contact and chance of infection.
  6. Do not touch the processor and the coil unnecessarily.
  7. Do not leave the processor and accessories on any surface. The surface might be contaminated.
  8. Do not change batteries or accessories without cleaning your hands.
  9. Do not use soap water for cleaning any part of the processor.
  • Have a back up caregiver, in case you are not able to provide care (may be you are not well or you have to look after a family member who is not well.
  • Sanitize the toys or material used by the child before and after each use.
  • If possible, keep the unwell family member in a separate room and avoid all contact of the child with the unwell member.
  • Take extra care of yourself, so that you don’t get infected and pass on the infection to your child.
  • If the child becomes sick, seek medical care immediately.






SOP for parents of the Child with CI

 (when in institutional Quarantine/hospital with COVID 19 infection)

  • Inform the health care workers at the institution/hospital about the hearing status of the child and the cochlear implant device.
  • Insist on accompanying the child to take care of him/her and also of the device.
  • Insist on the continuous usage of the device (until and unless in ICU)
  • Follow hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene procedures properly.
  • Use disposable gloves.
  • Take care of yourself so that you do not get infected.
  • Have a back up care giver in case you are unable to be with your child. Make sure the back up person has a good rapport with child and is familiar with cochlear implant handling.
  • In case of communication break down, use alternative modes (picture cards, etc). get the child prepared for the same beforehand.
  • Sanitizing CI processor and accessories:
  1. Wipe the processor from outside and coil with alcohol based solution( nail paint remover or spectacle lens cleaner) each time before and after use.
  2. Wipe the carrying case, dry aid box and the charger with sanitizer everyday.
  3. Keep extra accessories, batteries with you as you may not be able to provide these immediately in case of need.
  4. Always keep the processor in carrying case or dry aid box when not in use.
  5. Make sure only one person handles the processor so as to minimize the contact and chance of infection.
  6. Do not touch the processor and the coil unnecessarily.
  7. Do not leave the processor and accessories on any surface. The surface might be contaminated.
  8. Do not change batteries or accessories without cleaning your hands.
  9. Do not use soap water for cleaning any part of the processor.
  • In case the health of the child worsens, seek medical help immediately.



  1. World health organization
  2. ICMR – Guidance Document for health system response for PwDs and Functional Impairment during pandemic i.e. COVID 19.


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